Tuesday, 21 April 2009

The swallows are back!

Great to see swallows swooping in and out of the barn again. Last year one lonely bird sat on its own for several days but this year the gang has arrived together. With the sun shining and a blue sky, the swallows bring an added lift to lovely days.
Not to be outdone, one of the little owls which breed between 2 barns, appeared in one of the old pear trees, a favourite perch from last year.

Another pleasing sighting - a brimstone butterfly in the back garden. Not endangered, but still not seen every day - see link to butterfly conservation site http://www.butterfly-conservation.org/Butterfly/32/Butterfly.html?ButterflyId=6

First radishes from the garden too.


Monday, 20 April 2009

Primroses and an ant.

A holiday walk - the ant was much more interesting than the primroses.

The old pear trees between the house and Orchard Lee are a mass of bloom, with the younger trees following suit. Although we've chosen varieties grafted onto the largest root stock available commercially, it's doubtful that they'll grow to the size of the old orchard plantings here, which are well on their way to a century old.
Wherever possible, we've planted old and historic varieties of apple, grown for flavour rather than quantity. A Victorian variety, 'Golden Spire' has come into flower for the first time this year and is showing why it was recommended as an ornamental variety.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

best potato field ever!

Much pride in the potato ridges - a dry spring allowed for a fine tilth and very splendid rows!
This year's total :25 varieties, including heritage ones such as Peach Bloom, Vitalotte, Burgundy Red, British Queen, Arran Victory.
We are still eating last year's crop - excellent roast Golden Wonder and Bintje for chips, Arran Victory mash and jackets, but some are sprouting so we'll look forward to new potatoes soon!

Now we need rain to save the wheat and barley, and help the vegetables we've planted.

Monday, 6 April 2009

April pleasures!

No sign of April showers as yet - just perfect bright spring days.

Spring barley is starting to germinate, winter wheat looks a bit pale, having struggled through a cold winter with heavy frosts.

The potato ground has been worked down 3 times ready for planting - what a help a dry spring is! Maybe the seed potatoes will go in before Good Friday, the traditional day.
As ever, our main supplier for seed potatoes and vegetables is Edwin Tuckers of Devon- www.edwintucker.com but for the first time we have bought from Carrolls www.heritage-potatoes.co.uk This year we'll be planting 20+ varieties of heritage potatoes, grown for their flavour. One new variety we're now growing for a fifth season, is 'Smile' - bred from Charlotte and as tasty. Puts a smile on children's faces too.