Sunday, 30 March 2008

Weekend work - the extension has windows

In fine sunshine today, finishing touches were put to the windows and sliding doors, installed yesterday in driving rain and cold wind.
The triple windows on the south facing wall went in first to give some protection from the weather, then the east window and finally the 3 metre sliding doors, so the 'garden room' now looks out at the garden rather than being open on 3 sides to the garden.
Double glazed windows and doors should provide light and heat through the year, with plenty of openings to allow a free flow of air should the mythical hot summer arrive.
Radiators will be heated from the geothermal heat pump :see
- we've been running this system in 'Orchard Lee' since we built it in 2005 and are very enthusiastic about the benefits of obtaining heat from the ground.
Because we built 'Orchard Lee' from scratch, we were able to install underfloor heating and the 400m of pipes ran out through the next field; here at 'Eastern Lee' we are having to work with an existing building and much smaller grounds. Here, the ground source pipes will go in vertically in looped sections like large radiators, each section being at least one metre below ground level. (see the photo of the pipes stacked up waiting for the digger). As we're retaining existing floorboards and have to keep the system simple, we've opted for conventional radiators. With all the increased insulation inside and cladding outside, we hope the house will be much more efficient thermally, and need relatively modest heat.

In the coming week, we aim to start tiling the main bathroom, finish plastering downstairs and start upstairs, and solve the riddle of exactly how to fit in all the elements of the bathrooms. IF the weather allows, the slates will go on, but meanwhile there's plenty to do inside.

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